Part I examines globalization as an economic and geographical process, generating huge social consequences, with rapid growth, population movements, political change and a vast gap between global wealth and poverty. This course examines the forces of globalization that are transforming our world, and explores the various responses - psychological, social and political - that people have been making over the past fiJy years.

POL_SC 2293W: Globalization, Identity and Citizenship - Writing Intensive The course will conclude by examining the recently emerging (and highly contested) concept of 'global citizenship'. Emphasis will be placed on the ways in which national iden]ty, faith, gender and sexuality are emerging as key loci around which contemporary people (especially young people) are trying to forge new social identities for themselves. Part II focuses on the ways in which individuals are now seeking to find themselves in this globalizing world.

POL_SC 2293: Globalization, Identity and Citizenship